Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sealed with a Heavenly Kiss

Place me like a seal over your heart, 
   like a seal on your arm; 
for love is as strong as death, 
   its ardor unyielding as Sheol. 
It burns like blazing fire, 
   like the very flame of the Lord. 
Many waters cannot quench love; 
   rivers cannot wash it away. 
If one were to give 
   all the wealth of his house for love, 
   he would be utterly scorned.

--Song of Songs 8:6-7 

It's not every day we venture into the "sexy love story" of the Hebrew Bible. In fact, take a moment and reflect: Have you ever read this brief book of beautiful poetry? Ever heard a preacher preach it? (Me, neither. But >gulp< I will be leading a women's study on this gorgeous poetry after Easter.)

Click here, and listen while you read:

The language and imagery of the poet is wonderful, and beautiful-- and once you realize it's a love poem between a man and his beloved, it's hard not to blush when you read it. When my husband and I had a chance to renew our vows, we read to one another-- from the Song of Songs. The room full of seminarians alternately laughed (my husband's legs were not "pillars of marble") and marvelled at the idea of so declaring love for another-- publicly. Many of them were young and newly married, or single. Such was the stuff of fairy tale marriages.

But this bit today, this brief verse in which a promise is asked and the relationship sealed, reads, as well, like perfected desire between the Almighty and his children (us). 

"Place me as a seal." Thomas Merton imagines we are like wax, awaiting the impression of the signet of our Lord. We are soft, and willing-- and nondescript until the mark of the Creator is upon us, his deep, abiding imprint set in our hearts. I am my Father's-- and he is mine.

"Love is as strong as death, its ardor unyielding as Sheol." The love God has for us has conquered death, overcame the chains of the grave in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In three days' time the temple, battered, beaten and broken by the evil in the world, by us as we stand by and do nothing-- this holy temple was restored to perfect glory. Love as strong as death. Stronger, even.

'Many waters cannot quench love." God's heart is on fire-- for you. For me. Rivers or even oceans of tears will not wash away the reality of the love of God for each of us. Each one of us, perfectly designed per God's own specifications, is a drop in the ocean of God's plan for creation. Without every drop, the plan is incomplete.

And yet-- in the eyes of this world-- to give away all one's wealth and possessions in the name of love, to be willing to die for another is seen as foolishness. 

People would wonder what was wrong with us. Seriously. 

Facebook statuses would speculate what was going on with so-and-so, friends would either become curious and draw closer, or suddenly disappear from our lives. We just do not know how to handle that which deviates from "the norm." 

This crazy love God has for us is beyond our understanding. It is deviant, over-the-top and completely illogical. And perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Loving Lord, we may never understand why or how you can possibly love us as you do, in our brokenness and restlessness. Yet we are grateful for the hunger within, the hunger that draws us closer in the circle of your embrace, desiring more of you, freeing us from the stifling grasp of the world and of death. Thanks be to God. Amen.

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