Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Troubled Heart.

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, 
whatever you did [or did not do] for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’"-- Matthew 25:40

I really try not to get into 'hot-button' issues here unless it's something in which the church is complicit-- or should be complicit. There are plenty of blogs and other outlets waiting to fan the flames. Me? I am here to bring a word of hope and promise. (Or so I thought.)

So let's go digging for that word here.

I am troubled by the 'stuff' surrounding the very unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin. (This was the seventeen-year-old child who was shot by a neighborhood watch person.) This morning, it has reached a point where I just need to speak. Write.

Words of hatred and anger, words that seek to divide are so unhelpful at this point. 

Outsiders stepping in, offering their personal points of view based on their agendas or their own biases-- unnecessary. 

* * * * *

A young man's parents are grieving their son. They will not see their child again in this lifetime.

Another man's life, no matter what he may [or may not] have done, is in danger. He is forced to live in fear. 

Judgment and accusations are flying everywhere, left, right-- and for what purpose? It will never bring this young man back. Nor is it particularly helpful in discerning what really happened that night.

All it does is distress and distract.

So please, stop for a moment.

If you believe, as I do, in the power of prayer, please. Stop and pray, for Trayvon's family and for George's family. Pray they might be comforted by the perfect presence of the Almighty in these troubled, turbulent times.

Pray for peace. Peace like a river that washes over all, floods the banks of this nation with its waters. Peace that brings revival to our neighborhood, our cities, our state-- our world. All of Creation.

Pray for wisdom for all involved-- and that includes you. It also includes me. We are either part of the problem or we are working for peace. Peace must be a verb.

Pray for calm in the midst of all that is happening.

Before you speak-- listen. Listen in love as God loves. Unconditionally. 

And if you must take sides? Take the side of peace. Work against those who monger war, in our homes, in our streets and across the world.

The world looks to America for leadership. Pray that the light of the Lord shines forth brightly in the weeks and months, even years ahead. 

Pray boldly, pray big-- and pray knowing that God is listening. Amen. 

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