Wednesday, February 18, 2015


(During Lent, I will be following the photo prompt words from Rethink Church, but using them to create word pictures. Discipline, discipline, discipline.)

And so it begins: with an announcement. 

"We're getting married!" "It's a BOY!" Pizza for dinner! Oh goodie!"

That word, announce comes from the same Latin root that brings us message. And messenger. And angel.

You will be with child, and give birth to a son, and you shall give him the name . . . Jesus.

It all began with an announcement from the angel Gabriel, to a young girl no one had even heard of-- until then. And suddenly, the whole world began to change.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus lived a life of announcement, of angelic message. 

Your faith has made you well. She's not dead, but merely asleep. I give you a new name: Peter.

Woman, here is your son. Man, here is your mother.

Words. Redefining family, redefining wholeness, redefining what it means to follow God-- and sometimes, pi**ing people off. Important people who didn't much cotton to being told they were seriously wrong.

As we begin wandering towards the Cross, pretend you don't know how we believe the story ends. Truly focus in the moment and ponder the ways Jesus' announcements and proclamations were heard-- right then.

And imagine. Imagine the shouting, the rage. The confusion and broken dreams.

After all, not all news is good news. At least, not at first.

Behold! I am making all things new!

Blessings on this journey we will make together. Peace.

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