Monday, April 9, 2012

So-- NOW what?

I have fought the good fight, 
I have finished the race
I have kept the faith. --2 Timothy 4:7

So my Lenten challenge to myself is complete. I survived forty days-- plus Sundays of committing to blogging every day. There was only one day when I was just too sick to write anything fresh. (Today would have been a second day. I really love my Avery-- but she did share her lousy cold with her Grandma Mars!)

So what have I learned through this very public exercise?

I have looked over what I wrote. There were some good days-- and some that felt, to me, like clunkers. Some of those clunkers were read by more of you than some of the ones I thought were good stuff. 

Which just goes to show you how much I know.

I discovered I really enjoy writing-- even when I am "forced" into it. And I am grateful that my words have found their way into your world. I pray they have, in some way, added light, whether through humor, affirmation or perhaps the occasional conviction. 

I continued to be amazed at the way sometimes things just "write themselves," with seemingly little input from me. Thanks be to God for that!

I also must admit: I am a bit glad my forty days (plus Sundays!) are done.

I love blogging, I will continue to blog-- but probably not every day. Unless I get a barrage of comments on this post begging me to do so, I will probably pull back to weekly or occasionally more often than weekly.

Thanks for reading! Don't stop now! 

peace, hope and love,


  1. Comment #1
    I liked reading your blog. :0)

  2. Comment #2
    Some of your posts really resonated with me.

  3. Comment #3
    Are you going to keep writing everyday?

  4. Comment #4
    Is this a barrage of comments yet?

    1. I feel like I have been peppered with spitwads. lol

      As the Spirit/ headlines move me.

  5. Comment #5
    So...are you going to keep writing everyday, or every other day at least, or every, every other day?

  6. Comment #6
    I appreciate you Heidi, and I have enjoyed your blog.
