Friday, April 20, 2012

Nice genes!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 
Against such things there is no law.
--Galatians 5:22-23

There has been recent research that shows that some people are, by the existence of a gene in their DNA, genetically predisposed to being "nice." And, conversely, others who lack this gene are more prone to be-- not nice. Here's the article:

Interesting, isn't it? 

Will this somehow now twist around and become part of the next Flip Wilson routine? A variation on "The devil made me do it," for those too young to remember Geraldine?

Honestly, judge-- I just couldn't help myself. It's in my genes.

Hmmm. Having a hard time with that one. 

But here is what else the study showed:

People who have this gene tend to give more to charitable organizations. They are more likely to tithe to a church. They are more likely to be active in social justice issues such as fighting poverty and helping the homeless.

And here is what I think about all this: (It's my blog. Remember that. I am allowed to opine ad nauseum.)

The Psalmist, St. Peter, Augustine-- and so many more-- have written about there being a hole in the human soul that can only be filled by God. 

When Jesus asks the Twelve if they also will leave, Peter asks, in somber tone, "“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:68-69).

Augustine confesses to a rest-less soul until he (we) rests in God.

Pascal proposes that there is a hole in the abyss of the human experience that can only be filled by the presence of the Almighty.

Almost sounds like something in our DNA, doesn't it?

I won't even begin to try to explain why or how some people do not get this genetic niceness, or how some can be "nice" while disdaining the Creator.

But what this does say, to me, is that when we allow the Lord to work in our lives, our lives are somehow altered. We discover there is so much more besides ourselves worth paying attention to, worth living for.

As if we were created for Love.

Gracious, wonderful God, thank you for the gift of you, manifesting itself in us. May we see through your eyes, and when the "stuff" of you fills our souls, may the overflow pour out into the lives of others. Amen.


  1. I think if they search long enough and hard enough, "bad" genes will be found that contribute to all of our not-so-good behavior, thereby taking even more responsiblity off of ourselves and placing the blame elsewhere.

    1. Mmm-- I don't think so. If darkness is but an absence of light, then I believe this will follow suit and find either presence or absence. But I also believe very strongly that even in absence of the 'nice gene,' niceness and nurturing can be taught. It just won't come naturally/ easily.
