Saturday, May 10, 2014


There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. --Galatians 3:28

Over the past week or so, there has been this pattern, so to speak, emerging around me. Everywhere I look, reference being made to pieces in a puzzle, members of community, beautiful mosaics. 

This verse from Galatians. It seems like "we" tend to take it to mean that in God's Kingdom, we are all alike. There are no differences, no gender, no religion. 

That's bunk.

Imagining God's Kingdom that way is boring, and not what I believe God had in mind. From the opening words of Scripture, God is all about diversity.

Plants and animals of every kind God created, until the earth was teeming with variety.

God created us male and female. Why, now, would God neutralize (neuter?) the whole gender conversation?

Look around you. We do not all look the same. Not even close. Even within families, there is much variety.

Humanity much more closely resembles a bag of trail mix than a loaf of Wonder Bread, for pity's sake.

So what does this verse mean? 

I believe it means that these things are divisions that (for whatever reason) matter to us, but they are of no importance to the One who created all things and all people.

In the midst of creating, God paused a number of times and proclaimed, "It is good." After creating humanity, it was very good. 

If it was good then, if having all nature of things and plants and animals-- and human beings-- was God's delight and intent, guess what? 

It is still good. Very good.

Each of us, like the multi-colored pebbles or tiles in a mosaic, adds a unique glimmer of color, sometimes catching the light and shining boldly. Other times, we may be scuffed or damaged by our life's path at the moment, and be simply trying to hold our place. 

Even then-- especially then-- we are beautiful and beloved of God.

As you look at the person next to you on the bus, or behind you in line at the grocery, don't be afraid to see that they may be really very different from you. And at the same time, don't be afraid to notice that maybe they are taller/ shorter/ happier/ better off than you. 

Just don't, for a moment, allow yourself to think that they matter more (or less) in the eyes of the Almighty than you do. 

You are unique. You are loved. And you are absolutely perfect. Amen

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