Monday, February 23, 2015


Covenant is definitely a "church word," or once in awhile, a legal beagle term. Its origins come from Latin, and mean "to come together in agreement." Kind of a handshake and a promise.

But when God makes a covenant, suddenly it becomes more.

God made a covenant with Abraham, and he becomes the father of nations, offspring too numerous to count, like the stars in the sky-- and he gets a late start in the game.

And even when Abraham and his wife Sarah aren't completely faithful to God's plan-- God remains faithful.

No matter what.

And so it is with each of us. We may not be capable of unwavering faithfulness, but the God who created us is always faithful.

Remember that the next time things in life seem to be sliding south.

All the peoples of the earth will be blessed through you.

Think about that for a minute-- and believe.

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