Sunday, September 16, 2012

(Did I say that?)

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” 
--Mark 8:29

When Jesus and the Twelve were gathered and talking, and Jesus began questioning them. First he wanted to know what everyone else was saying about him. Who, Jesus asked, did "they" say he is? 

The answers were predictable. John the Baptist, some said. Elijah, or another prophet. All good, solid answers based on the expectations of the day.

And then Jesus asked the Big Question: "Who do you say that I am?"

And it seems we are still asking and answering that question, over and over again, two thousand years later.

Who do you say Jesus is?

Words, words, words. We might say Jesus is Lord. Or even Lord of our lives.

Some say Jesus is the only way to God. 

But I wonder what Jesus himself might have to offer on this subject?

We are told that he had to die, so that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, could come and infill us and guide our lives. So if we believe this-- and I do-- then the Spirit of Jesus indwells in us all.

"Who do you say that I am?" 

In the beginning, the Almighty created humankind-- in the image of the Divine.

It's kind of sounding like the I AM is within, like the Tabernacle within which God has chosen to dwell-- is me. And you. And yes-- even him. And her. 

Think about that. 

* * * * *

A young man sits on the curb, hand outstretched, seeking a couple dollars. We rush past, mumbling to ourselves that he is probably just wanting to go buy more booze, or cigarettes, or something else. We never ask, we just assume.

Single mother, overwhelmed, comes up short in the checkout line and is unable to buy the one thing for herself that was on her list. We huff and fume, annoyed that now we have to wait while the cashier changes the bill. 

A new family moves in the neighborhood. They look different. Good grief-- are they from that place? We wonder if their children will be in class with our children, if perhaps they have a relative overseas plotting to attack our nation.

* * * * *

"When I was hungry . . . when I was thirsty . . . when I was a stranger . . . when I was naked . . . sick . . . in prison . . . ."

"Who do you say that I am?" And more to the point: How are you responding to the "little Jesus" in each of us?

Life is too short to do anything less than love. What random act of unconditional love might be on your radar?

Lord God, help us to reflect your image: slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands. May we see your likeness in the other, and shine your light from within our souls. Amen 

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