Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." --Matthew 19:14
A few days ago, I was taking a walk. The air was crisp and clear, just like it's supposed to be this time of year. The leaves have barely begun to turn, so no crunching yet. Still-- it was a beautiful day for a walk.
As I was heading towards downtown, I spotted a little boy with his back to me, maybe six years old, keeping himself very entertained in an imaginary world only he could envision.
I got a little closer; he turned around. He was wearing a plastic Spiderman mask, and was clearly engaged in battling evil. He had quite the roundhouse kick!
When I reached his yard, he struck a pose, and I looked at him. "Hello, Spidey!"
A flourish of the arms, and he returned my greeting. I smiled and said, "You look a little taller when I see you on TV, Spidey."
He took off the mask, grinned a perfect pumpkin grin with just one tooth missing, and said, "Well . . . that's because I am a little boy!"
He walked with me, and we talked about Hallowe'en. He's very excited. We came to another yard, one with a big oak tree in the front.
Standing astride the roots, he began poking at spaces on the bark, and said, "This is my secret hideout! I live in this tree-- w-a-a-a-a-a-y up at the top!"
I peered closer, and indeed, there they were-- the secret buttons that would open that tree trunk and reveal a hidden elevator-- and whoosh! Up to the top he would go. . . .
What a great kid. I hope I run into him again. He freely invited me into his world, and in so doing, reawakened the little girl in me.
No wonder Jesus desires that the Kingdom of God be filled with such as these. No limits, super vision that imagines anything is possible.
In this day and age, when so many things seem so wrong, it is blessing to hang out with a child who doesn't see all the grownup yuckiness of life.
And after just that brief time with Spiderman, I found fuel for my fire, a renewed vision for life, and a desire not to let the turkeys get me down.
Or if they do-- well, maybe my imagination will help me come up with new recipes for Thanksgiving :)
Thank you, Great One, for children who make us smile, make us laugh-- and give us hope for tomorrow. Help me, Spirit, to become more like one. Amen.