Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
--Hebrews 12:1
Today was the Cleveland Marathon, a world-class running race. I knew it was today, but for some reason I just failed to really internalize what that was going to mean as I journeyed downtown to my new church, University Circle UMC (OneCoolGod on Facebook). I allowed an hour, but didn't really think my usual thirty minute drive would take a whole hour!
Well . . . it only took me 50 minutes.
My usual route: closed for the marathon.
Wind my way through some side streets, get back to the highway. Second choice: closed.
Then it got interesting. I really had no idea where I was supposed to go, but I knew I just needed to point my nose in the right direction and keep going that way. So I did.
And I saw some parts of my city I never saw before. Places where I was glad it was daylight and Sunday morning.
I saw some very rundown homes, and some very rundown people. I saw grocery stores with iron bars across their windows, where the lights were so dim, I don't know how you could see what you were about to purchase.
No major grocery stores, no discount chains. No one would actually choose to risk their hard-earned money here.
And the whole way, I just kept plugging along, pointed east.
And eventually, guess what? I wound up right by the church! I knew where I was, after all that wandering. And it felt so good to be thee!
So. Do I really need to spin this one out for you, or did you get it already?
The letter to the Hebrews, and other letters, as well, write about life as a race. Reminds us that we need to fix our eye upon the prize, and run full out to win, as only one person brings home the trophy.
That's really what it's all about, isn't it? Living full out, keeping our eye on that which matters in the long run?
Even when we may be stymied as to just what we are doing, exactly where we are going-- still, we know that at the end of the day, we are called to love God, and to love one another as we were first loved. That is the goal.
And if we run that race well, at the end we rejoice to hear the voice of the Father:
"Well done, good and faithful servant." You have run a good race.
Where are your eyes set today? Are you seeing the path ahead of you? Have you been distracted, set off down a rabbit trail inadvertently? (Squirrel!)
It is never too late to find your way back where you belong, back pointed in the right direction.
Welcome back. Come, have a seat at the Table. Amen.
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