Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. --Matthew 19:14-15
This is one of those "everybody's favorite" verses. We learn it in Sunday school, and the grandmother du jour reminds us each that we have a special place at the feet of Jesus, because Jesus loves the little children.
But I think there is a part of this relationship we might be missing.
Jesus stayed with the children and he placed his hands on them. Ever wonder if somehow Jesus didn't maybe draw a wee bit of love and energy right back from those children? If maybe his "children's moment" energized him to continue on with his ministry?
I know it works for me. The children in my life remind me that all is well in the created order, that God is well pleased.
My grandson is 2-1/2. Their back door has blinds that go nearly to the bottom of the window.
But when Garrett sees my legs on the porch, he knows who it is. And when he gave me my name-- my very own grandmotherly name of "Mima Mars"-- well, he danced, and my heart sang.
His sister Allison is still young, less than a year old. But as she watches her brother and giggles at his playing peek-a-boo with her, how can one not draw fresh life from this???
And then there is their cousin Avery, born within months of my husband's death. Truly, truly an affirmation that life is to go on.
When I show up at her door, she smiles and lifts her arms. Her mother says, "Yeah, when Grandma shows up, Avery kinda forgets I'm around." (Not true-- but it sounds good.)
Sometimes when I am holding Avery, she will lay her head against my shoulder and relax in my embrace. In those perfect moments, the whole world slips away and it is just me and Avery, and I realize, I am not sure who is lovin' on whom.
And I realize that this is how we are to be with God:
So relaxed in God's embrace that everything else disappears. And I truly believe God gains as much joy, as much peace and pleasure from holding us, as we do being held by God.
Mutual admiration society.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look up in his wonderful face. And the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.
Perfect Parent.
Perfect children, fallen yet beloved-- and perfectly created.
Perfect, perfect Love.
"If we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us." --1John 4:12
Love this. Tender as it is touching. Thank you.