The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
Psalm 19:1-2
It's been a grey and cloudy fall. Seems like it's just one rainy day after another, with periods of dry greyness in between. Every once in awhile the sun sneaks through for a little while, but mostly-- grey, grey, grey.
I have nothing against cloudy days-- but William Cowper reminds us that variety is the spice of life that gives it all its flavor. And day after day after day of grey after grey after grey weighs heavy on the soul. My mood begins to match the skies.
And as my mood sinks, I realize, my eyes drop. My steps slow, my tail drags-- and before you know it, I am blogging about how tiresome the weather has become.
As usual, it becomes soooo easy to forget.
Even in the patterns of the clouds, there is beauty, and hope-- and promise. As they blow and shift, reshape and reconnoiter, that cute little bunny rabbit begins to morph into something new . . . something bigger . . . something with-- a trunk!
Answers to prayers yet unspoken. Promises laid out right there, before our very eyes -- if we but have the eyes to see and ears to hear. And a heart that trusts that God is not yet finished, with our day, with our lives, with all of Creation.
Finding God in the majesty of a Grand Canyon or a brilliant sunrise? That's easy. How could "random" possibly account for such magnificence? Finding God in my granddaughter's giggle? Piece of cake. Such pure joy can only come from the Almighty who loves us so, who takes such delight in creating each one of us to look a little like Mommy, a little like Daddy-- and fully in the image of God.
But how do we do at finding God in the everyday?
When was the last time you turned off the radio, the TV and the computer (and the phone!) and simply sat with the silence?
One evening this week, during a break in class I wandered outside. It was silent and still-- except for the crickets chirruping greetings to one another across the grass, slower as the seasons cool.
And the fountain gurgling quietly, enjoying its last moments before winter comes and it is silenced until spring.
And the marching band, percussion cadences and laughter spilling out across the football field and into the darkness, bearing the exuberant joy of goofy teenagers in its wake.
And my own measured breathing, in and out, puffs of steam hanging on the night air ever so briefly. The sound of my heart, faithfully pumping away unnoticed.
And then the drive home . . . and the aurora borealis, mysterious and ephemeral, like neon chiffon scarves, lifting, lowering-- unveiling.
Behind every created thing lies the Creator.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." John's gospel.
Look up. God is there, behind the clouds. Within the clouds.
Lift up your face. Trust. Believe.