Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!" --Luke 12:22-24
In the States, the day after Thanksgiving is referred to as Black Friday. It is the day when people go all out finding bargains, for Christmas gifts, for themselves-- for "fun." Those who follow such things say that how a store does on Black Friday speaks to the overall health of the store, and also to the general health of our economy.
I apologize if I am somehow responsible for sending the nation back into a recession, but I will not go out shopping on Black Friday.
There is simply nothing I need that badly, that I would go out amongst those "serious shoppers" and behave in less-than-comely fashion to pick up (fill in the blank here).
People have remarked about the irony that only in America will people go out and trample one another to buy more stuff, one day after professing thanks for all the stuff we already have.
Enough. Seriously, enough.
Think of what so many of us already have:
--Enough food on the table to feed our entire families-- and leftovers for Round Two (and maybe three). And if you've had a turkey-- in a few days you can make turkey soup and continue to enjoy the taste of Thanksgiving.
--Enough clothing not to have to wear the same outfit for days on end unless one is so inclined.
--Enough disposable income to even consider going out to shop on this busy day-- and again in the days ahead, as Christmas draws closer.
But how about these?
Enough blood in our arms to donate a pint, so that as many as four recipients might have their lives improved-- or possibly saved.
Enough food to give a few extra cans or boxes to those who do not have enough.
Enough generosity of spirit to take some of those extra clothes and donate them, so another might have enough.
Enough time to spend a couple hours at a local soup kitchen, hunger center or parish meal to offer not only a warm meal, but a smile, a kind touch or a listening ear, to those for whom life is difficult right now.
Enough wisdom, enough genuine gratitude to stop, just for a moment, and reflect.
Because truly, but for the grace of the Almighty, there go I. And you. It's true.
Where I live, it is now about 2:00 afternoon on Black Friday. The Doorbusters are done with, but the Midnight Madness lies ahead. I am sure some folks have been shopping for hours upon hours,and have gotten some amazing deals.
What if, for each hour we spent shopping, we spent even ten minutes in thanksgiving and/ or prayer?
What if, for each dollar we spent at a store, we gave even fifty cents to a local charity, or to an organization like the Red Cross, that provides for so many during difficult times?
What if?
They say it is the little things that change the world in big ways.
What little thing will you do today, to change the world around you?
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Most gracious and generous Creator, help us to realize that we are here, not to accumulate our own private "stash," but to unlock the storehouses of your generosity and be the means by which your blessings flow to those in need. Amen.